Independent valuers give a Liquidation Value of Rs 13,000cr for Reliance Capital

The Reliance Capital (NS: RLCP ) Executive, in the COC meeting hung on Wednesday introduced the valuation reports of the Autonomous valuers - Duff and Phelps and RBSA, to the banks.

As indicated by sources, Free valuers Duff and Phelps and RBSA have given a Liquidation Worth of Rs 13,000 crore for Reliance (NS: RELI ) Capital.

In correlation, four bidders have cited simply 30% of the Liquidation Worth, making it fast approaching for Reliance Capital to be alluded for liquidation.

According to the valuation report by Duff and Phelps, the Liquidation Worth of Reliance Capital is assessed at Rs 12,500 crore, while the Liquidation Worth showed up at by RBSA is Rs 13,200 crore.

In correlation, the most elevated bid esteem got by the banks of Reliance Capital is Rs 5,231 crore from the consortium of Cosmea Financial and Piramal Gathering.

Hinduja, with a bid worth of Rs 5,060 crore is the second most noteworthy bidder for RCAP. The size of Deluge and Oaktree offers is Rs 4,500 crore and Rs 4,200 crore, separately.

Thus, the offers got by the RCAP banks are very nearly 30% of the liquidation esteem fixed by the two Autonomous valuers.

The low offered esteem contrasted with the liquidation esteem fixed by the autonomous valuers makes it impending for the company to be alluded for liquidation.

Notwithstanding the RCAP CIC, both the free valuers have doled out a liquidation worth to RCAP's Life and General Protection organizations, as well.

As per Duff and Phelps' valuation report, the Liquidation Worth of Reliance General Protection is Rs 7,000 crore, and Reliance Extra security business is Rs 4,000 crore.

Then again, RBSA has given a liquidation worth of Rs 7,500 crore and Rs 4,300 crore for Reliance General Protection and Reliance Extra security, individually.

The RCAP loan specialists have not gotten any offers for these two organizations (General and Disaster protection) of the company, which represent more than 90% of the all out valuation.

The moneylenders have gotten three offers until the end of the organizations/bunches like Protections, Land, Curve, and so on of Reliance Capital.

The joined bid worth of these organizations is Rs 120 crore, yet according to the valuation reports of Duff and Phelps and RBSA, the Liquidation Worth of these organizations is assessed at Rs 280 crore and Rs 240 crore, individually.

Remembering the colossal hole between the LV and the genuine bid esteems, the COC has chosen to dismiss every one of the offers and is thinking about the liquidation of Reliance Capital and its auxiliaries, under Guideline 6(A) of the IBC Code. Presented in September this year, segment 6(A) of the IBC permits the COC to independently exchange the different organizations of Reliance Capital.
Independent valuers give a Liquidation Value of Rs 13,000cr for Reliance Capital Independent valuers give a Liquidation Value of Rs 13,000cr for Reliance Capital Reviewed by ROHiT on December 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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